

Coach & Trainer
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Jean-François Abeloos helps his clients get what they want in life, business and work! He is recognised for his motivating and energetic approach that makes things happen in a wide variety of cultures and environments.

He uses powerful resources he has acquired through 20 years of hardcore business experience in audit, consulting and international finance in Belgium, France, Japan, Mexico, Brazil and the USA. He has also studied and practices many personal development tools and practices. He is trained as a certified coach by the NLP and Coaching Institute of California, certified NLP practitioner by the Institut Francais de la PNL (Paris) and a certified rebirth practitioner by Oser (Paris).

He has a unique way of building trust, confidence, energy and motivation for achieving a wide variety of outcomes touching all aspects of one’s life: environment, behaviors and actions, capabilities, beliefs and values, identity and spirit. He helps his clients to see and go for the big picture or the details of what they want and what is important to them and has achieved remarkable transformations on individuals or groups. He values the freedom we have a lot and the way we use it and helps integrate paradoxes like liberty and security or power and respect. He is very efficient in working on limiting beliefs and internal conflicts.

Being both pragmatic, caring and full of humour, he is appreciated for the quality of the relationships he builds with the people surrounding him and he shares with great generosity and enthousiasm.


Coopervision, Auchan Spain, NovoNordisk: Training and coaching for leadership, agility and continuous improvement in a VUCA world

Egis France, Ireland and Turkey: Team building, change management and leadership

Grunenthal, Latin-America: Co-creation of a company culture after the merger of the subsidiaries of the German group with all LatAm subsidiaries of Chilean pharmaceutical group (Mexico, Panama, Colombia, Brazil, Chile…)

Air France KLM: Energy and change training with sports coaching tools and methods

Credit Agricole SA (Casa) et APX Services & Technologies: Support and train HR teams and engineers to prepare them to accompany major changes in their companies

European Commission Brussels and Luxembourg: Preparing newcomers for institutional management techniques, transitions, cultural diversity and emotional intelligence

Total, Venezuela: Accompany changes in structures and systems in an unstable environment

ESSEC, business school in France: Master’s lecturer on management, coaching, change and team management

Telecom Orange, France: HR, change management, stress management

Legrand: Accompaniment of young executives during their first 7 years in the company

Credit Agricole and RATP: Accompaniment of high-potential young professionals

Gaz de France: Accompaniment of the purchasing department


Horseback riding endurance


The role of the leader is to create a world to which people want to belong!

Jean-François Abeloos IN ACTION